10 questions to ask when interviewing for a case study

Female writing on notepad placed on desk, next to mobile device, resting on laptop

Case studies are ideal for showcasing your work and building trust. It is storytelling with a lens on the customer. Remember it’s about them, not you. Showcase everything they are doing, and how you fit in, helping them reach their goals.

Case studies work well in the late Decision/Acquisition stage, when buyers are ready to narrow down their selection between a number of vendors. Potential customers want to understand how you solved pain points experienced by similar companies. These are the essential proof points.

Every tech case study should include these10 questions:

  1. The challenges and objectives that led the customer looking for your offering?
  2. Who was involved in the buying/selection process?
  3. What was most important to the customer when evaluating the various options of your offering?
  4. How long did it take to get the solution up and running?
  5. Who was involved in the process during implementation?
  6. Who is using the product or service?
  7. Is there a particular aspect of the product or service that is relied on most by the customer?
  8. What are the key ROI and benefits of the solution? Numbers (quantitative) are absolutely needed.
  9. How has the solution addressed the customer’s challenges and solved their problems?
  10. Ask your customer about their future plans and their vision in using your technology going forward.

Think of your case study as a success story. You know you have a great one when your customer showcases it internally and externally.

Irving Frydman is Chief Branding Officer and Principal of B2B Marketing Insights, a digital marketing consultancy, serving the Information Technology (IT) industry and other sectors. The firm provides services in public relations (PR), content marketing, and social media.

Content strategy for tech: Simplify your content marketing framework


Getting customer attention is challenging, and even more so when you are a small technology company. There is not only an abundance of “noise” marketers have to contend with, but once you get that coveted attention, the chances are your buyer is not ready to buy. This is where content plays an important role, moving a customer deeper into the marketing funnel.

Content helps build customer relationships and thought leadership, empowering your brand and market positioning. What does your company stand for? What makes your products and services unique? Why should I trust your people and organization? Using content strategically is a foundation for marketing and business success.

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Win the brand selling game by elevating your brand’s trust barometer


Marketing is much more complicated today. The number of channels and customer touch points is growing. The mobile Internet, social media, and the ease of online shopping are changing how consumers decide to buy. Your next customer is on a decision journey that is unprecedented in terms of buyer intelligence and transparency of brand offerings.

Consumers are doing their homework before purchasing. A report by the E-Commerce Foundation shows 88 percent of consumers, pre-research products of interest on the Internet before making a purchase.

It is no surprise the majority of online experiences with a brand begin with a search engine. In fact, a quarter of American adults say they are “almost constantly” online, according to Pew Research.

Making things more complicated for marketers is the recent proclamation: “the traditional sales funnel is dead.” Buyers can easily jump in and out of channels, do comparison shopping on their mobile apps, read product reviews, and even be influenced in the store aisle by a sales associate, product packaging, or an in-store promotion. Continue reading